Trump’s terrorism claim is baloney Peter Bergen By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst Updated 1:36 PM ET, Tue February 7, 2017 Source: CNN Cooper: I know we covered attacks; I was there 02:03 Story highlights Peter Bergen ran White House timeline of terrorist attacks through media database Bergen found the 78 cited as under-covered […]
SEAL Team 6 raid in Yemen raises questions Peter Bergen By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst Updated 6:10 PM ET, Thu February 2, 2017 n Story highlights The raid that killed 14 al Qaeda fighters and 10 civilians has raised questions, Peter Bergen says Those include the raid’s timing, who was consulted and President […]
Bergen: Trump’s big mistake on Syrian refugees Reality check: Truth about refugees, terrorism Story highlights Peter Bergen says there’s no evidence of terrorists among Syrian refugees to the United States Syrian refugees are the victims of terrorism, not perpetrators of it, he writes Peter Bergen is CNN’s national security analyst, a vice president at New […]
Trump’s travel ban wouldn’t have stopped these deadly terrorists Peter Bergen By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst, and David Sterman Updated 1:47 PM ET, Mon January 30, 2017 None of those who have conducted lethal jihadist terror attacks in the US since 9/11 emigrated from a country that is under the Trump travel ban, […]
Peter Bergen By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst Updated 2:38 PM ET, Thu January 19, 2017 Peter Bergen writes that newly released documents seized in the raid that killed bin Laden paint a vivid portrait of his concerns as he hid out in a compound in Pakistan Trump administration will have to decide whether […]
Will President Trump restart the drone war in Pakistan? By Peter Bergen and David Sterman Updated 4:28 PM ET, Sat January 21, 2017 Story highlights Peter Bergen and David Sterman: U.S. drone attacks in Pakistan were halted for last eight months of the Obama administration President Trump has to decide whether to restart them Peter […]
American hostages more likely to die than others from the West Peter Bergen By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst and Christopher Mellon Updated 8:34 PM ET, Sun January 8, 2017 A New America report indicates US hostages fare far worse than other Western hostages Peter Bergen and Christopher Mellon: This is in part because […]
Afghan Taliban video purportedly shows American, Australian hostages By Barbara Starr, Peter Bergen and Steve Almasy, CNN Updated 2:02 PM ET, Thu January 12, 2017 Story highlights The two teachers were abducted in Afghanistan The men in the video ask President-elect Donald Trump to negotiate their release (CNN)The Afghan Taliban released a new video Wednesday […]
Election ResultsNationWorldOur Team Family reveals American vanished in Afghanistan two years ago Peter Bergen By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst Updated 2:53 PM ET, Thu January 5, 2017 (CNN) Some time in May 2014, Paul Overby, an American writer in his 70’s, disappeared as he was traveling between Khost in Afghanistan and North Waziristan […]
No, President-elect Trump: Russian hacking is not like the CIA’s WMD fiasco Peter Bergen By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst Updated 9:00 AM ET, Wed January 4, 2017 Trump mocks intel agencies on Russian hack U.S. P Story highlights Iraq WMD misjudgment was huge scandal for CIA; has completely changed how agency forms its […]