Wednesday, November, 28, 2012

“Fortress Israel” with Patrick Tyler at New America, Washington


Fortress Israel

Wednesday, November 28, 2012
12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.

New America Foundation
1899 L St. NW Suite 400
Washington DC, 20036

As footage of rocket attacks in Israel and Gaza once again fill television screens around world, we are reminded of how flammable the Israeli/Palestinian issue remains today. Former New York Times Chief Correspondent Patrick Tyler argues in his new book, Fortress Israel, that the pervasive influence of Israel’s military establishment has overwhelmed every competing institution, especially those devoted to diplomacy and negotiation. As a result, political leaders find themselves with few diplomatic options in the long term struggle with the Arabs. Tyler laments that the handful of Israeli leaders who have set peace as a strategic objective have failed or, as in the case of Yitzhak Rabin, were killed by extremists.

On November 28, the New America Foundation will host Tyler for a conversation about Fortress Israel, and the Israeli military officials who have created and sustained their nation’s highly martial culture.

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Patrick Tyler
Author, Fortress Israel: The Inside Story of the Military Elite Who Run the Country-and Why They Can’t Make Peace

Peter Bergen
Director, National Security Studies Program, New America Foundation

To RSVP for the event, click on the red button or go to the event page:

For questions, contact Stephanie Gunter at New America at (202) 596-3367 or