
Friday, Feb 27, 2004 Ghost Wars, Special to site

I have just started reading Steve Coll’s Ghost Wars which tells the story of the CIA’s involvement in Afghanistan from the invasion of the Soviets in 1979 up until the 9/11 attacks. I could not recommend it more highly. The Soviet war in Afghanistan was arguably the most important conflict in the post World War […]

Wednesday, Feb 25, 2004 What Would Osama Think? Special to Site

What Would Osama Think?

Dateline: An undisclosed location somewhere on the Afghanistan/Pakistan border.

It’s been more than two years since Mohammed Atta and my eighteen other holy warriors inflicted so much damage on the Crusaders in New York and Washington, so it’s time to take stock of how my jihad is going. Certainly there have been losses: my friend and military commander Mohammed Atef was martyred in Afghanistan and many of my top aides have been captured or killed since 9/11.

Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 Hunt for Osama Bin Laden

KAGAN: Today, the top American commander in Afghanistan said there are no certainties that Osama bin Laden will be caught, but that U.S.-led forces are turning to new tactics to catch him, recruiting Pakistanis’ forces to help flush out extremists on its border with Afghanistan. And Lieutenant General David Barno said that the sand in […]

Tuesday, Feb 10, 2004 AL Qaeda and Iraq, Special to site

I posted this commentary on my website back in August 2003. It accurately predicts what is now coming out about al Qaeda’s activities in Iraq. (By a process of deduction it was clear that al Qaeda affilated groups were behind the major suicide attacks in Iraq. No one martyrs themselves to bring back Saddam. The […]

Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, “L’islam revolutionnaire”, (Editions du Rocher, Paris 2003.) Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, better known as Carlos the Jackal, the notorious terrorist and mass murderer, has weighed in on the war on terrorism from his Paris prison cell. In what must surely qualify as one of the more tasteless exercises in publishing history, Carlos holds forth windily about how the United States got what it deserved on 9/11 because of its imperialist policies.

Well, as promised, Peter Bergen joins us now from Washington. He’s a professor at Johns Hopkins University in Washington and author of the book “Holy War Inc., Inside the Secret World of Osama bin Laden.” Well, when you listen to that latest tape, what does it tell you? You’ve heard many of these in the past; what does this one tell you?


Friday, Dec 26, 2003 The Dense Web of al Qaeda

It seems, on some levels, a simple question. After all, “al Qaeda” is a term much bandied about by the public, politicians and commentators. Indeed, it’s now one of the best-known organizations in the world.

Yet there is a great deal of ambiguity about what exactly constitutes al Qaeda. Is it a terrorist organization run in a regimented top-down fashion by its CEO, Osama bin Laden? Or is it a loose-knit group of Islamist militants around the world whose only common link is that many of them trained in Afghanistan? Or has al Qaeda, the organization, morphed into something best described as al Qaeda, the movement — a movement defined by adherence to bin Laden’s virulent anti-Westernism/anti-Semitism and propensity for violence? Is “al Qaeda” all of the above?

So Now, What About Osama? The capture of Saddam Hussein was a victory both for the American army in Iraq and the Iraqi people, but let us be clear: it will have little impact on the wider war on terrorism. It was al Qaeda that struck us on 9/11; it was al Qaeda that attacked […]

This class will examine how the al Qaeda network established itself in the United States. The class will focus in particular on the 1993 Trade Center attack; the mastermind of that attack, Ramzi Yousef; Yousef’s uncle, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, who would eventually become al Qaeda’s military commander, and Ahmed Ressam who attempted to bomb Los Angeles airport at the time of the Millennium. We will also discuss the role of Brooklyn’s Afghan Refugee Center, which was effectively a branch office of al Qaeda, and Ali Mohamed, a former US army sergeant who was an important leader within al Qaeda.

This reading list is adapted from a course about al Qaeda and international terrorism that I teach at the School of Advanced International Studies at the Johns Hopkins University. Required reading for the entire course. (Relevant individual chapters for particular classes are noted below.) Anonymous, Through Our Enemies’ Eyes: Osama bin Laden, Radical Islam and […]