
  Did NSA snooping stop ‘dozens’ of terrorist attacks? By Peter Bergen and David Sterman updated 6:44 AM EDT, Tue June 18, 2013 Former intelligence worker Edward Snowden, 29, revealed himself as the source of documents outlining a massive effort by the NSA to track cell phone calls and monitor the e-mail and Internet traffic […]

Al Qaeda’s boss asserts himself By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst, and Jennifer Rowland, Special to CNN updated 4:51 PM EDT, Tue June 11, 2013 Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri is able to communicate with affiliates in Syria and Iraq. STORY HIGHLIGHTS President Barack Obama said al Qaeda’s core is headed for defeat Peter […]

Terrorists target the military By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst, and Jennifer Rowland, Special to CNN updated 10:02 AM EDT, Thu June 6, 2013 The bombings in Boston on Monday, April 15, 2013, serve as a cruel reminder that the U.S. has seen other terror attacks on home soil. See all photography related to […]

Bush’s war on terror is over By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst updated 9:25 AM EDT, Fri May 24, 2013     Obama speaks on anti-terror strategy STORY HIGHLIGHTS Terrorism has been in the news with Boston bombing and killing of UK soldier in the street Peter Bergen says despite recent acts, the enemy […]

9 myths about drones and Guantanamo By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst, and Jennifer Rowland, Special to CNN updated 8:42 AM EDT, Wed May 22, 2013 A U.S. Air Force MQ-1 Predator UAV flies over Victorville, California, on January 7. STORY HIGHLIGHTS President Obama to speak Thursday on drone program, Guantanamo Peter Bergen says […]

Al Qaeda’s track record with chemical weapons By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst updated 5:41 AM EDT, Tue May 7, 2013 Were chemical weapons used in Syria? STORY HIGHLIGHTS Official on U.N. commission says Syrian rebel group may have used nerve agent Peter Bergen: It would not be first time al Qaeda-affiliated group used […]

Terror threat from Gitmo prisoners is exaggerated By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst, and Bailey Cahall, Special to CNN updated 11:00 AM EDT, Wed May 8, 2013 Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is home to the U.S. naval base that has held terror suspects since January 2002. Early in the war on terror, the Bush administration […]

Thursday, May 02, 2013 From bin Laden to Boston,

From bin Laden to Boston By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst updated 4:04 PM EDT, Tue April 30, 2013 Did mother discuss jihad with son? STORY HIGHLIGHTS Peter Bergen: It was easier for the U.S. to kill bin Laden than to kill his ideology The Boston bombing is one case in which bin Laden’s […]

Agencies often miss warning signs of attacks By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst updated 3:28 PM EDT, Sat April 27, 2013 STORY HIGHLIGHTS Peter Bergen: Too often the warning signs of terrorism are missed He says before an attack, it’s difficult to sort out the signals from the noise Agencies often will fail to […]

  Osama’s Real Hunters By NANCY DEWOLF SMITH “Manhunt” brings to television for the first time a riveting story of the hunt for Osama bin Laden that ended with his death on the night of May 1-2, 2011, when U.S. Special Forces raided his hideout in a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Yet the raid is […]